what is Horticulture and how to classify plants?

Horticulture is the science and art of growing garden crops. Horticultural classification is a system of description, nomenclature, and identification of plants. There are several ways to classify plants .on the basis of Growth habit plants may b succulent, herbaceous and woody. Succulent plants are foliage plants with extremely tender and watery stem. Like aloe vera . herbaceous plants have tender stem. Mostly vegetables and ornamental plants are herbaceous. E.g mint peony. Woody plants are that have woody stems. e.g trees and shrub. Some plants shed their leaves during winter are called deciduous plants e.g. maple. Plants with persistent leaves are called evergreen. e.g white pine. On the basis of life span these are divided in to annual, biennials and perennials. Annual plant complete its life cycle in single growing season. E.g. wheat     .biennial plant complete its life cycle in two growing season. E.g onion, carrots, beet. Annuals and biennials can vary in their life spans in different climate. Most of them are harvested in first season for consumption. Perennials plants grow for years and most of them are woody. E.g asparagus. Plants can be classified according to their temperature relation. Vegetables are grouped as cool season and warm season vegetables. Optimum temperature for cool season crop is 65F. for warm season crop optimum temperature is 80F. Temperate fruits are deciduous and require low temperature. E.g. apples, peaches, plum and almond. Subtropical fruit can tolerate frost. E.g citrus, guava and mango. Tropical plants are sensitive to low temperature e.g banana , papaya and mango.plants with flowers having both male and female sex organs in the same plant are hermaphrodite e.g. peas


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