Ber (Ziziphus jujube)
Ethnopharmaceutical compounds:
Local uses:
Soil erosion in desert areas is due to removal of topsoil by rain and wind. It can be checked by wind break creating shelter belts shrubs like jujube.
Ber are rich in vitamin C, B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin) vitamin P
One fruit per day by FAO/WHO vitamin C vitamin B
Pectin A, Alkaloids, (Glycosides seed leaf stem)
Betulinic acid ,Oleanolic acid
Use fresh,pickled, dried and use in confectionaries, use in drinks
Leaves and twigs are used as nutritionus fodder for livestock. High dry weight content of protien
Fuel wood:
It is good source of fuel wood and charcoal.
Lac culture:
It is best for rearing of lac insects.
It has been used to line well, to make legs for bed steads, boat ribs, agricultural implements,tool handles, sandles, golf clubs, and toys.
Bees and silk worms:
It is used for rearing of honey bees and silk worms.
It can tolerate 12 c° to 50 c°.
It grows on wide range of can tolerate salinity and alkalinity.
Each fruit contain one stone embeded in the pulp.The stone can be depulped by removing the pulp,pounding dried fruits in mortar,running fruits through macerator with water.
Irrigation during early growth and fruit development is beneficial .but at the time of flowering it can loss by sheding the flowers.irrigation at the time of fruit maturity can delay the maturity.
Nutriant requirement:
20-30 kg FYM or 400-500g N, 200 K2o, 200 p2o
Pruning should be done during summer. Half the number of shoots can pruned at 15-25 nodes.
Fruits are mature at stage of golden yellow color.feb to march ,december to january A range of organic wastes can be used. black polythene sheeting is useful.
Do foliar spray of urea monthly.
Shake the tree branches cause the fruits fall to ground.
Plucking the fruits with a clipper.
Pre-harvest spray of ethephon increase the maturity 400-500ppm
Fruit drop can be controlled with 10 ppm spray of
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