plan your crops for production crop protection measures for better production

Crop protection

Crop protection is the collection of tools, products and practices farmers use to defend their crops against weeds, insects and disease.Crop selection and plant improvement:
Select the crop according to their soil and climate e.g. wheat and cotton is grown mostly in provinces of Punjab as well mango orchards are found in Sindh. Rice can be grown on places where water is plentiful. soil improvement achieved by growing leguminous crops.
Farm and Field size:

Farm size should be according to family requirement.
Seed Selection:
Seed should be selected which give best potential performance. The best seed is that which is the most healthy , the most filled. Reject what is pinched and meagre.
Exchange of seeds
The act of sowing seeds in sites opposite to those that produce have merits for example from a mountainous areas to plains and from humid sites to dry location vice versa.
There should be knowledge about difference between wild and cultivated form. For medical purpose wild garlic is more effective than cultivated form.
Integrated pest management:
The farmers should be encouraged to consider IPM related problems for a whole cropping system. The approaches are mainly based on avoidance of sources of infection, control of vector, modification of cultural practices and use of resistant varieties.


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