preperation of soil media and potting for floriculture crops

Preparation of growing media and potting for floriculture crops

Selection of growing media is very important for floriculture crops. A soil mixture must be light, porous, well drained of moderate nutrient content and easy to manage.
Characteristics to consider when selecting a growing medium
Availability                                 Mixing
Versatility                                 pasteurization or sterilization
Uniformity                              storage          
Ease of use                              potting ease
Equipment need                     fertilization requirement
There is no one recipe for the ideal growing medium.
1:1:1 Mixture of mineral soil, sphagnum peat moss and perlite.
As well vermiculite, wood by products and calcined clay can be used. Its increase the water holding capacity, aeration and growing media will not become compact.
According to soil texture proportion of mixtures are following
In heavy clay soil 2:3:3 soil, sphagnum peat moss and perlite
In lighter field soil 1:1:0 soil, sphagnum peat moss and perlite
Growing media must be pasteurized before use. Steam or aerated steam is the best method of medium pasteurization. Chloropierin or methyl bromide chloropierin mixture can be used for sterilization. Media can be mix by hand or by equipment.
Concrete and drum mixers are available in capacities 1 to 10 cubic meter. A revolving drum can complete the action. Care must be taken to homogenous mix without pulverization or ball formation. This process will be completed in two minutes.
Another method of good mix is the use of feeder bins with one side open end drum and conveyer. The mixer receives the metered components from bins mixes it with tumbling action and dischrges it to conveyer.
Different filling system to fill pots is available. Production can be increased three to four time greater than when filling with hand.


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