Production Technology of garlic
For Garlic fertile,
well drained and loamy soil is required for high yield. Heavy and hard
soil significantly affect the bulb size and yield.
Garlic is frost
resistant crop and it requires cool period during early growth and dry period
near maturity. The increase in day length from 8 to 12
hours. increases the bulb weight, bulb
diameter and number of cloves and reduces the number of
secondary leaves.
Time of Planting & Method of Sowing
Garlic is planted in
single clove but bulbils (a small young plant that is produced vegetatively
from axillary buds on parent plants stem) are also used
occasionally. The quantity of planting
material required per area depend on clove size and number
of cloves per bulb. A distance of 15 to 20 cm (row to row) and 8 to 10 cm
(plant to plant) is recommended. The sowing of garlic in the provinces is as
Province |
Sowing time |
Punjab |
October |
Sindh |
October-November |
Kpk |
October-November |
Balochistan |
October-November |
Manuring and Fertilizer Requirement Garlic responds very
well to organic manure, Application of 5-10 tonnes/acre at the time of field
preparation is recommended. Application of N: P: K @ 75:85:55 kg produces
higher yield. At the time of planting, half of nitrogen along with full dose of
P and K should be used, the remaining half of nitrogen be applied 30-45 days
after planting. 2.1.5 Irrigation and interculture Garlic crop needs irrigation
once in a week during vegetative growth and at 10-15 days’ interval near
maturation. Garlic is a closely planted crop which requires 3-5 manual hoeing
for higher yield. However, weeding is tedious, expensive and often damages the
plants therefore, weeds can be controlled by using oxadiazon (0.5 lit/acre) and
pendimethalin (1.0 lit/acre), as preemergence weedicides.
Harvesting :The crop is ready for harvest when the tops turn
brownish and show signs of drying up and bend over. The bulbs mature in 4-6
months after plantation depending upon the climate. The harvesting time is as
Province |
Harvesting time |
Punjab |
April |
Sindh |
April-June |
Kpk |
March-June |
Balochistan |
March-June |
Storage Garlic bulbs can be best stored for 3-4 months in
well ventilated room. Storability is also affected by enzyme activity and the
cultivars most suitable for storage generally have low ascorbate and polyosenol
oxidase activity. Application of 2500 or 5000 ppm MH as foliar spray before
harvest is reported to inhibit sprouting in storage up to 300 days without any
appreciable adverse effects on yield. The treatment also reduces the loss in
weight of bulbs stored at low temperature (1.0 to 8.0
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