Vegetative Reproduction Methods of Grapes (Vitis vinifera)

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Vegetative Reproduction of grapes (Vitis vinifera):

Source of cutting:

 Cuttings are taken from the basal portion of the shoots.

Effect of plant growth regulators:

Dip 3-4 cm basal part of hardwood cutting in 100 ppm of   Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) for 24 hours.

Effect of rooting media:

Compost is the best-growing media, take a 10-15cm long cutting with 2-3 nodes and keep it in a polythene bag with 1 grape cutting.

Effect of planting type:

March-April, August-October

Effect of growing condition

Intermittent mist is often used on cuttings because it reduces the temperature of the leaves, lowers respiration, and increases relative humidity around the leaf surface. A fine water spray at frequent intervals reduces the transpiration and brings down the leaf temperature to a lower level, thereby creating a favorable condition for rooting or cutting

Best soil:

Transplant in sandy loam soil with 8.3 pH, at a distance of 6-10 inches apart.


Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is an irrigation management technique.


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