How do we increase crop production?
Plant tissue culture:
Plant tissue culture refers to
growing and multiplication of cells, tissues and organs on defined solid or
liquid media under aseptic and controlled environment. Plant tissue culture
technology is being widely used for large-scale plant multiplication.
Shoot tips and meristem-tips are
the most popular sources of explants to initiate tissue cultures. The
shoot apex explant measures between 100 to 500µm and includes the apical
meristem with 1 to 3 leaf primordia.
Nodal or axillary bud culture:
This consists of a piece of stem with axillary bud culture with or without a portion of shoot. When only the axillary bud is taken, it is designated as “axillary bud” culture. Floral meristem and bud culture: Such explants are not commonly used in commercial propagation, but floral meristems and buds can generate complete plants. Other sources of explants: In some plants, leaf discs, intercalary meristems from nodes, small pieces of stems, immature zygotic embryos and nucellus have also been used as explants to initiate cultures.
Cell suspension and callus cultures.
Plant parts such as leaf discs,
intercalary meristems, - stem-pieces, immature embryos, anthers, pollen,
microspores and ovules have been cultured to initiate callus. A callus is a
mass of unorganized cells, which in many cases, upon transfer to suitable
medium, is capable of giving rise to shoot-buds and somatic embryos, which then
form complete plants. Such calli on culture in liquid media on shakers are used
for initiating cell suspensions
The cultured cells and tissue can
take several pathways to produce a complete plant.
Regeneration and organogenesis
In this pathway, groups of cells
of the apical meristem in the shoot apex, axillary buds, root tips, and floral
buds are stimulated to differentiate and grow into shoots and ultimately into
complete plants. In many cases, the axillary buds formed in the culture undergo
repetitive proliferation, and produce large number of tiny plants. The plants
are then separated from each other and rooted either in the next stages of
micropropagation or in vivo (in trays, small pots or beds in glasshouse or
plastic tunnel under relatively high humidity).
The explants cultured on
relatively high amounts of auxin (e.g. (2,4-D, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
form an unorganized mass of cells, called callus. The callus can be further
sub-cultured and multiplied. The callus shaken in a liquid medium produces cell
suspension, which can be subcultured and multiplied into more liquid cultures.
The cell suspensions form cell clumps, which eventually form calli and give
rise to plants through organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis.
In some cases, explants e.g. leaf-discs and epidermal tissue
can also generate plants by direct organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis
without intervening callus formation, e.g. in orchardgrass.
In organogenesis the cultured plant cells and cell clumps
(callus) and mature 4 differentiated cells (microspores, ovules) and tissues
(leaf discs, inter-nodal segments) are induced to differentiate into complete
plants to form shoot buds and eventually shoots, and rooted to form complete
Somatic embryogenesis
In this pathway, cells or callus cultures on solid media or
in suspension cultures form embryo-like structures called somatic embryos,
which on germination produce complete plants. A major problem in large-scale
production of somatic embryos is culture synchronization. Cytokinins seem to
play a key role in cell cycle synchronization and embryo induction,
proliferation and differentiation (Schuller et al., 2000). Abscisic acid is
crucial in all the stages of somatic development, maturation and hardening.
Synthetic seeds
Successful utilization of synthetic seeds as propagules of
choice requires an efficient and reproducible production system and a high
percentage of post-planting conversion into vigorous plants. Artificial coats
and gel capsules containing nutrients, pesticides and beneficial organisms have
long been thought as substitutes for seed coat and endosperm.