How to grow coriander cliantro


How to grow coriander?

There are two ways to plant the coriander

1: via seedling

2: via selfseeding


You can get seedling from nursery.

Grow from seeds:

If you want to grow from seeds you should remove the seed cover. Remove the cover very carefully with shoe because seed is very small. You can pick the seed powder and spread it all over a pot. Keep it in sunny area and well moisturized. You can also plant the seeds 2 inches apart from each other to get seedling.

Plant site:

There should be full sun.


It should be loamy well drained and fertilized.

Planting distance:

Row to row distance: 12 to 18 inches

Plant to plant distance: 6 inches


Seeds have to be well watered during the germination stage. But do not over water it will cause seedling rot.


Use organic fertilizer you can fertilize 25 feet with water in which you have add ¼ cup of organic manure.

Spray the leaves and the plants with 250g of neem oil in 5 gallon of water.


Harvest the plant before flowering. Cut them off 2 inches above the tip.

Storage of coriander:

Coriander leaves can be stored by freezing and drying. Hang them in corner of kitchen and then store in airtight container.



You may want to keep one cilantro plant to seed its own. During the summer when the stalk is going to produce flowers and seeds do not remove it from the bed the next season the fresh plants are growing from seeds. You should not need to sow them fresh.

Storage of coriander seeds:

Wrap the seed heads in paper bags. The plant is growing to dry up and the seeds are going to fall into the bags, then store them in air tight container.

Reference: The Magic of Coriander For Cooking and Healing

By John Davidson, Dueep J. Singh:





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