Organic Manure prepared from the chicken feces


How to prepared slow release fertilizer from poultry manure:

 Poultry manure collected from a broiler chicken farm. The physical appearance of the manure is covered by rice husk, which was added on the closed-house floor to reduce the odour problem. A typical manure to rice husk ratio was 0.5 on a dry basis. The manure is then sun dried, milled and sieved to produce poultry manure powder. The powder was smell free and ready to be used for SRF preparation.

Slow release Fertiliser preparation


The first SRF preparation is using screw extruder. Before pelleting, the powder will mix with urea powder (urea : manure = 1 : 2) and starch paste in a mixer. Starch paste will be prepared by heating starch solution. The mixture dough then extruded to produce noodle-like long shape mass. Then the extruded paste was sun dried and cut at about 1 cm length of pellets. The pellet then oven dried to complete the drying step and stored in an air tight container. For comparison, poultry manure pellet without urea addition was also prepared in the same procedure as above.

The second method of SRF production is using pan granulator. The poultry powder will be mixed with urea powder in the same ratio of the SRF pellet, the powder mixture was placed inside the pan and rotated. During rotation, a starch solution was spayed to produce a ball shape granule with the diameter range of 0.5 to 1.0 cm. The SRF granule then oven dried and stored in a sealed container.


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