What are the standards for the successful production of seasonal vegetables at domestic stage

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For the successful production of seasonal vegetables at domestic stage,

The following standards should be kept in mind:

Site selection,

Acquisition of direct sunlight,

 Easy home garden accessibility

 Suitable irrigation,

 Availability of fresh air

Planned crop cultivation

For maximum yield, the following points must be adopted

 Area available for kitchen gardening

 Type of vegetables used for cultivation

Maintain and update production technology literature

 Time required on a daily basis to look after kitchen gardening

To acquire necessary things viz., implement for land preparation and cultivation, vegetable seed, fertilizers, and organic pesticides to control pest attacks.

Consultancy under sudden adverse crop conditions.

For household maximum vegetable production, the following key points must be adopted

1. Timely plantation of seasonal vegetables.

2. Using small plots or pots grow vegetables having longer harvest duration e.g. fenugreek, spinach etc.

3. Under cultivated areas vegetables must be grown on ridges instead of flat surfaces (vegetables are susceptible to disease attack) e.g. chilies root and collar rot.

4. Vine vegetables such as cucurbits are trained along with ropes, nets, or bamboo and walls must not be used for this purpose.

5. With different types of growing containers after seed germination, monitor water availability to these growing mediums neither dry nor too much irrigate it as it may cause diseases.

6. Growing containers must be placed having at least 6-8 hrs. of direct sunlight and at least 30 cm away from the wall.

7. At maturity, harvest the vegetables immediately otherwise the quality of the produce may deteriorate.

8. If harvested vegetable yield is more than the family needs, it must be stored in a suitable storage environment and packaging material to increase its shelf life and quality e.g. blanching is recommended for pea storage.

9. Periodic sowing of vegetables must be done for continuous supply of vegetables for a longer period e.g. If a radish has been sown with 10 days intervals its continuous supply can be possible.

10. Vegetables affected by fungal and bacterial attacks may provide edible fruit.

Similarly, leaves of vegetables affected by sucking pests looked small and diseased may be safe to consume.

Currently, pesticides having limited residual effects are accessible and can be applied and after 1 or 2 days, of spraying can be washed using clean water.


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