Benefits of Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

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Benefits of pomegranate:

Pomegranate is an important fruit crop in arid and semiarid regions of the world.

Uses of pomegranate:




richest sources of Ribolavin

rind  of the fruit, bark of stem,contains and root of pomegranate contain more than 28% gallotannic acid and dye which is useful in tanning as natural bio-dye


Punicalgins are found only in the outer skin of the pomegranate and are estimated to have twice the antioxidant capability of red wine and green tea.

Pomegranate flowers used to make hair dye. The root is used to make medical tonic.

The bark and dried peel of the fruit are used to treat dysentery and eye diseases. Peel containing tannic acid is used to dye silk, cotton, wool, and linen textiles.


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