How to grow pomegranate:
GoldenPearl, Qandahri, Metha, Be dana, Jalari
Light soil high in sand relatively to clay. Soil solarization
of nursery soils up to 4 weeks controls the annual weeds.
Pomegranate can grow under various climatic conditions,
viz., tropical and, temperate regions and in hilly areas up to 1800m altitude.
It grows as a deciduous shrub in the temperate region but under tropical and
subtropical conditions, it is evergreen or partially deciduous depending upon
the variety / genotypes. It grows very well and produces better crop in the semi-arid
climate where cold winter and hot summer prevails. The tree requires warm and
dry climate during fruit development and ripening. Although the pomegranate
tree can withstand frost, it is injured by temperatures below -12ÂșC.
Sow seeds in a temperate zone in spring after
the last frost. In subtropical zones, late spring to early summer will be
the optimum time.
Hard wood cutting:
One of the easy methods of vegetative propagation is by
rooting hardwood cuttings of 0.8-1.2cm thickness during November. Cuttings from
fully mature wood of about one year old, 20-25cm long provide high rooting success.
The suckers which arise from the base of the stem are usually utilized for this
Soft wood cuttings
pomegranate when treated with 0.5 per cent potassium salt of IBA as quick dip
and planted in peat-perlite media under intermittent mist gave high percentage
of rooting.
Air-layering during June- August along with IBA 1500ppm
provides very high rooting success of 94 per cent.
The land should be levelled by ploughing and plank[1]ing prior to digging
pits in the orchard. Square or rectangular system of
planting may be followed as it pro[1]vides convenience in
all cultural operations. Pits of about 75cm3 to 1m3 are dug, depending upon the
soil type at a spacing of 4.5x3 m distance to accommodate about 740 plants/ha.
Planting may be done from July – February depending on the
rainfall and availabil[1]ity of irrigation
water. Pits are dug about a month prior to planting and kept open for at least
1 month so that it is disinfected by intense solar radiation during the day.
Drench the pits with 0.1% carbendazim @ 5 litres per pit. Apply carbaryl dust
or chloropyriphos @50g/pit on the bottom and sides of the pits just before
illing pits.
Thimet can also be used to protect against termites. Pits
are treated with calcium hypochlorite @100g/pit before illing. Top soil can be
mixed with FYM 20 kg, Vermicompost 2kg, Neemcake 3 kg, Trichoderma formulation
25g, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria 15g, Azotobacter formu[1]lation15g,
Pseudomonas luorescens 15g and Azospirillum formulation 15g. After illing the
pit, watering may be done to allow the soil to settle down. The saplings are
planted and staked with bamboo poles / propping ma[1]terials.
Irrigation is provided immediately after planting and thereafter at regular
Manures and fertilizers are applied as per the age of the
plants. The manures and fertilizers are applied in circular, shallow trenches
at one metre away from the trunk at the time of bahar treatment, in split
doses, in case of bearing orchard. The manures and fertilizers are applied
(Sheikh, 2006) during pre-cropping period (1/3rd dose) and cropping period
(2/3rd dose) as per the recommendation
Nowadays, fertilizers are applied through drip irrigation
(fertigation) using liquid fertilizers viz., 0:52:34 etc. Micronutrients
application helps to overcome the reduction in yield and
quality of pomegranate.
In general, the water requirement of pomegranate crop ranges
from 25 lit/ day during winter months to 50 lit/day during summer months.
The fertile flowers are vase shaped. The juvenile period is
2-3 years. Flowering is different in different varieties. Irrigation should be
reduced during flowering season.
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