A brief guideline to the listening paper of IELTS



Listening part is of 40 minutes. 30 minutes are for question solving and 10 minutes for answer transfer to answer sheet.


There are 40 questions


There are four parts of listening.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Conversation between  two people on general topic
e.g. a call between passenger and transport manager for ticket booking
A monologue on general topic
e.g. it is about park information
A conversation between 2-3 people on academic topic
e.g. preparation a presentation on biology topic
A monologue on academic topic
e.g. a lecture on organic farming

Question types:

There are following types of questions. Read these types and instructions and prepare how to solve these questions.

1: Notes/table and flow chart completion/ summary:

1.       Read to find what information is shown
2.       Use the words according to words limit
3.       Read the table to predict the words
4.       Carefully listen answer may be singular or plural
5.       Don’t repeat synonyms
6.       Write the time in figures it is easy as compare to write in words
7.       Write the correct unit for distance, you can write abbreviation

2: multiple choices

1.       Choose 1 answer from A-C
2.       Read the question and underline the keyword
3.       Pick out the keywords from given options
4.       Pick the negative or positive options according to speaker’s voice.
5.       Listen for synonyms carefully

3: short-answer questions

1.       Identify the topic
2.       Underline type of information and key words
3.       Listen for synonyms
4.       Carefully read the instruction

4: Sentence completion

1.       Complete sentence with proper word with in word limit
2.       Read the sentence during preparation time and predict which information is missing
3.       Check and correct grammar and sense of sentence
4.       Think sentence as a question and predict words
5.       Carefully use singular or plural words
6.       In description of process choose correct prepositions and adverb
7.       Listen carefully words for stages of process e.g. first, then, next, neatly, finally

5: Labeling a diagram, plan or map

1.       Complete these with given words in the box
2.       Mark the way and listen carefully words behind or next
3.       Read the options and features on the map
4.       Make a clear image of given thing before listening
5.       Read the options several times
6.       In diagram labeling decide proper word

6: Classification

1.       Read the task
2.       Recognize words refer to categories
3.       Recognize words refer to features
4.       Write one letter next to features

 7: Matching

1.       Match the statements with given words in the box
2.       Carefully read the questions and options it is May b about negative sense, adjective, problem, solution, advantage or disadvantage.
3.       As you listen to speaker look thoroughly the options.

Listening skills

1.       Listen carefully the spelling of name.
2.       Sometimes words contain letters or numbers listen carefully.
3.       Identify the mind purpose of speaker
4.       Sometime it seems more than one answer is correct, Identify the wrong answer then choose the right answer
5.       Listen carefully for paraphrases
6.       For section 1 and 3 carefully listen to the opinion of speakers e.g. agree, disagree, not sure
7.       For section 3 and 4 pay attention to speaker attitude e.g. reluctant, confused, irritated, afraid, and worried
8.       Identify the speaker and topic
9.       The section 3 and 4 are more difficult as compare to other
10.   In section 4 speaker use signposting words to connect the ideas
11.   There are often same or different things about information
12.   In the section 4 speaker use signpost language such as
13.   “In the lecture today we will look at organic gardening”
14.   “Now let’s turn the question of……..”

Examples of information given by section 3 and 4

v  There is a study related to a specific topic
v  It concerns with the affects of an action
v  The section four include the conclusion of research
v  It also includes the topic related to the findings of experiment.



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