A brief guideline to the reading part of IELTS

A brief guideline to reading part of IELTS


60 minutes. There is no extra time for answer transfer so write answers during paper solving time.


There are three sections.  Each section has 13-14 questions. You can start with anyone section. The total number of question is 40.
Every passage have different topic although mostly passages are consist on academic subjects like environment, education and technology. It’s a brief paragraph consist on approximately 900 words taken from book, newspaper and magazine.

Question types

There are following types of questions. Read these types and instructions and prepare how to solve these questions.

1: Multiple choices

1.       Choose answer from given alternatives
2.       Read questions and options and underline keywords

2: Identifying information

1.       Write the answer by choosing True, False and not given statements
2.       Read the question underline keyword then read the text
3.       Mark the correct paragraph which contain information

Types of information you need to find

1.       A number
2.       A date
3.       A measurement
4.       A reason
5.       A cause
6.       An effect
7.       A conclusion
8.       The problems
9.       A finding
10.   An account
11.   A reaction
12.   A description

3: Choose a heading for paragraph

1.       Topic sentence helps you to choose the heading.   
2.       Look at the headings and underline the keyword
3.       Read paragraph under line keyword of topic sentence
4.       Then choose best heading
5.       Heading options are not in the same order as in passage        

4: Short answer question

1.       First of all read the instructions carefully
2.       Secondly read the questions and identify the keywords.
3.       Think for similar words in questions and locate these and keywords in the text.
4.       The questions are in text order so find answers according to this.

5: Sentence completion

Write answers with word limit and it should fit grammatically and logically

6: Notes/table and flow chart completion/ summary:

1.       Read to find what information is shown
2.       Use the words according to words limit
3.       Flowchart is a sequence of process but given information is not as same as in the text
4.       Note completion is like a flow chart completion but it contain larger part of text
5.       Concentrate on the  grammar  of missing word
6.       Look at the words come before and after the gap
7.       For summary note the title and read carefully related passage

 7: Labeling a diagram

Read given information to label diagram with appropriate words

8: Identify writer views

Write the answer by choosing True, False and not given statements
Identify the tone of writer such as neutral, shocked, doubtful, happy and angry then identify the topic

9: Matching features

Match information to the possible answers

10: Matching sentence endings

Choose best answer to complete a sentence

11: Matching information

Match information to paragraph
The information is not given in same order in text according to questions so scan the complete passage.


1.       You should manage your time.
2.       The answers words are mostly in text. Correct your spelling by comparing this.
3.       Improve your reading speed by reading practice
4.       Some paragraphs have footnote, it contain technical terms
5.       If you write number in words like twenty two it will count as number (20)
6.       Do not join the words e.g. write color from the text. Don’t write green and red. Write green, red
7.       Take different color highlighter with you at test day. Highlight such as ingredients, equipment, and date etc for your easiness.

Reading skills


You will not need to read all words. Just go through the main idea.
Read for noun and verb.


Find the specific words (names, places and dates) with quick reading

Identifying paraphrase:

The sentences in the question have not same words as in text although they have same meaning. Paraphrase is mostly includes vocabulary and grammar. Such as
Vocabulary paraphrase                   Grammar paraphrase                
First → initial                                      Ali wrote the story                                        
Correct → right                                  the story had created

Identifying reference words:

These words show the repeated text and connect with next coming ideas such as it, they, this and them etc.

Identify singular or plural

If question is find 2 examples. It’s plural so find passage with multiple examples.

Identify the main ideas.

It is mostly at the start of paragraph. Recognize with supporting details (explanations, descriptions and examples) which are given at the end of paragraph.

Identify key points for summary

Find specific information like names and dates
Identify the facts and opinion
Making an inference (sentences are not given in same words)
Solve problem words for spelling correction

Remember these words:

To add and clear the point
To show opposite view
To give an example
To draw a result
In addition
In fact
In spite of
Such as
For instance
To illustrate
As a result

To support positive opinion
To support negative opinion


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