Production Technology of Barley

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Production Technology of Barley

Land Requirement:

. The field should be first ploughed by a disc harrow or soil-turning plough to uproot weeds and kill overwintering pests and weeds. Then after precisely leveling the land irrigation is done before sowing. Barley crops is sensitive to water and nitrogen hence proper leveling of land using laser land leveler should be done before sowing. The field may attain optimum soil moisture after 5-15 days of irrigating depending on soil type. Afterwards, two to three ploughings is done with harrow to make soil well pulverized.

Seed Selection and Treatment:

Before sowing seeds can be treated with Bavistin @2kg/kg seed as preventive measure to control loose smut disease. Seed treatment with 150ml of Chlorpyriphos (20 EC) in 5 liter of water per 100 kg seeds can control termite attack in field but soil should have enough moisture content. Among the physical treatment seed thermal treatment with hot vapors (100°C) for one to 10 seconds on spring barley can reduce fungal infection (Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium etc.) and improve seed germination. 

3 Nutrient Management:

After field preparation well rotten FYM (20-30 T/ha) shall be ploughed with soil. For timely sown crop fertilizer dose of 60 kg N:30 kg P:20 kg K is required. Entire dose of phosphorus and potash with 1/3rd amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be broadcast in soil before followed by ploughing or better if placed at the time of seed sowing by seed cum fertilizer drill at a depth of 7 to 10 cm. Balance amount of nitrogen is splitted into two equal top dressing first at tillering stage or 30 days after sowing and second top dressing at boot stage or 60 days after sowing. In case of Zinc deficiency ZnSO4 @ 20 kg/ha can be applied [48]. A nitrogen fertilizer dose @ 100-120 kg/ha applied in splits with two third applied at seeding time can result in a greater number of ears per meter square and seed yield higher as compared to single application (Moreno 2003). Integrated nutrient management always have an added interest in obtaining maximum seed yield and quality. An integration of 75% NPK + 5 T FYM ha-1 along with biofertilizer and vermicompost instead of 100 % NPK alone can cause a substantial increase in number of seeds per spike and test weight [56]. Response of plants to Phosphorus fertilizer at early growth and tillering stage is maximal but it diminishes as the plant transits into the reproductive phase as there is elongation stem.

Seed Rate and Sowing Method:

For varietal seed production seed rate of 100 kg/ha is needed with a row spacing of 15-20 cm. Seed is sown at a depth not more than five cm. Sowing barley at 20 cm depth as compared of at a five cm has shown to reduce the establishment of plants (about 76 %) with a reduction in grain yield by 62% [57]). Optimum time of sowing winter barley is 1-25 Nov and for late sown crop it is 1-25 December in case of irrigated conditions. Raised bed up to 120cm wide can also be opted for barley sowing other than flat bed method of sowing. By using raised bed technique an increase in seed yield Chapter 1: Seed Production Technology of Wheat and Barley 21 can be achieved along with compressed irrigation requirement. This consequently ameliorates water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency in comparison with seed drilling method [58]. Raised bed seed production interprets better ability of plant roots to anchorage on beds and capacity to withstand water stress. Therefore, plants become less susceptible to distress caused by climate change. Traditional method of sowing Barley is dropping seeds with a Chonga (a tube connected with a funnel like structure behind country plough). If sowing using traditional method, it should be kept in mind that there is proper row to row spacing for roughing operation to be taken up for quality seed production. 4.5 Weed Management: Along with roughing few manual weedings of field can add up to the improved physical quality of seeds. Two manual weedings are required to be done at 30-35 and 55 to 60 days after sowing [53]. Isoproturon a.i. @1.75kg/ha + 0.5 kg/ha 2,4-D @ in 800-1000 litres of water can control post emergence grass and broad-leaved weeds 30-35 days after sowing e.g., bathua (Chenopodium album), hirankhuri (Convolvulus arvensis), wild carrot (Cronopus didymus). Pendimethalin (Stomp) 3125 to 3750 ml/ha in 350-375 L of water can control both broad and narrow leaved weeds when spray 3 days after sowing.


Barley seeds get ready for harvest by March end and second week of April. It is when the seed moisture is 25 to 30 per cent. But there is shattering tendency in barley seeds therefore it should be harvested before achieving maturity so that spikes do not break open. At the time of harvesting chances of occurrence of rain and hailstorms is high in Northern zone hence it may affect seed health therefore harvesting of seed crop should not be delayed. It can be harvested using Combine machine. But it should be made sure that the machines are cleaned properly off the seeds of other varieties or crops so as to maintain genetic purity and physical purity of the harvested seeds. Seeds are dried well up to 10-12 % seed moisture content before it is processed



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